Tea and oranges on a desk with a notebook

The Best Vitamins for Winter Self-Care

Self-care is important every day of the year and especially when the weather turns cold as people are more prone to becoming run down and getting sick. Winter is a wonderful time, a season for slowing down and reflecting inward. We are more likely to read a good book, enjoy a bubble bath, and in general just spend more time indoors. In the winter we focus on bundling up and keeping ourselves warm and less on what is actually going into our body, but both are just as important as the other. I find that in the winter all I want to do is curl up under a blanket and hide until spring. I’m sure you can relate. Sometimes this feels good and other times it gets me in a rut.

After a few weeks of giving in to my inner hibernator, I can come out of it feeling a little less than my best self. To keep a healthy body, mind, and spirit it is up to us to figure out what we need to maintain that balance. We may ask ourselves things like, are we getting enough water, enough sleep, or eating right. It can be hard to eat your best in the winter, so I look at ways to supplement my nutritional needs by adding vitamins to my daily ritual. Most of our vitamins come from our diet but sometimes we need a little extra boost, aka a little extra help. Find out more as we highlight the 5 essential and best vitamins for winter.

What are the best vitamins for winter?

You’ve probably heard of all the vitamins in this list, but maybe you didn’t understand the vital role they play in your health. We will list them here and then break each down into its own topic, providing you with information on how you can get more of them and what they each do. The best vitamins for winter self-care are Iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B. We are sure these will keep you healthy this winter, but as with anything, before you start taking any supplement it is best to talk with your doctor to decide which is right for you.


Iron deficiency is a common problem among people which is not good because iron is essential in producing hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen to our tissues. I think we can all agree that oxygen is essential to our well being. Iron is extremely important in regulating your body’s temperature which helps when you need to stay warm in the winter.

What does Iron do?

  • Makes hemoglobin, essential to getting good oxygen to your body
  • regulates body temperature

How can you get more Iron?

You can add more iron to your diet by eating plenty of leafy greens, beans, legumes, red meat, peas, dried raisins or apricots, and seafood. We like to add iron to our diet by cooking in a cast-iron skillet. This is an easy way to boost your iron intake without too much fuss. Also, like other vitamins, you can take iron supplements or find a good multivitamin.

Cooking with cast iron skillet

Vitamin C

Whenever I hear about vitamin C I immediately think about oranges and then sunshine which ultimately takes me on a daydream to far off beaches. I think all of us know that vitamin C is essential to our health and immunity. Cue Emergen-C, the drink for when you feel run down. Something you may not know is that vitamin C will not stop you from getting sick, however, it will reduce the severity or longevity of cold symptoms.

What does Vitamin C do?

  • Plain and simple it strengthens your body’s immune system
  • Can help manage blood pressure- great for any time of the year
  • Helps prevent iron deficiency- iron is also vital to winter health, so a win-win for all
  • Protects your memory which could reduce your risk of dementia- something I did not know until writing this article

How can you get Vitamin C?

Much like other vitamins, you can get vitamin C through supplements and multivitamins. You can add it to your diet by choosing foods such as bell peppers, leafy greens, cranberries, and citrus fruits such as oranges.

Cut oranges

Vitamin E

Most people do not have a problem with getting enough vitamin E, however, that does not negate the fact that it is an essential vitamin. Vitamin E can be found in vegetables to skincare products and is known to moisturize as well as reduce inflammation. Ever wonder how to solve dry, cracked skin, especially in the winter? Use Vitamin E rich lotions and body products.

What does Vitamin E do?

  • Decreases redness, wrinkles, and inflammation leaving your skin soft and supple

How can you get Vitamin E?

While adding vitamin E to your diet in the winter is not the best way to utilize its benefits for your skin, it can be added to your skincare routine through moisturizers and lotions.

Vitamin D

Even though vitamin C makes me think of sunshine, vitamin D truly is the sunshine vitamin. In the summer you don’t have to worry about not getting enough vitamin D, as your body produces it when exposed to the sun. However, in the winter, the days are shorter and often gloomier, which makes it harder to find the sun.

What does Vitamin D do?

  • Improves disease resistance
  • Regulates calcium and phosphate for healthy bones, teeth, and muscles
  • Improves mood- very important for folks prone to the winter blues

How can you get more Vitamin D?

Very few foods contain high amounts of vitamin D so it is hard to get it through food alone, however mushrooms, fish, and dairy do contain small amounts. Your best source for Vitamin D is sunshine which is hard to come by in the winter. Easier ways to find it would be through trusted vitamin d supplements or multivitamins.

Vitamin D is one of the best vitamins for winter

Vitamin B

Most of us are familiar with B6 and B12 (my friend gets a B12 every month, ouch!) but did you know that several other B vitamins are just as important to us and we need them all. B vitamins are awesome because they keep you feeling energized and maintain cell health.

What do B vitamins do?

  • B6 helps to turn your food into energy for your body
  • B12 regulates your body’s nervous system
  • B1 and 2 also convert body fuel into energy, while helping you to maintain proper eyesight. Carrots aren’t the only thing good for your eyes.
  • In the winter B12 is a superhero when it comes to seasonal affective disorder (SAD– a bit more than just the winter blues). It will improve your mood and give you more energy.

How can you get Vitamin B?

There are several ways to get more B vitamins in your life. The first is by adding more leafy greens, legumes, seafood, and whole grains. You can also take a vitamin b complex supplement or find a good multivitamin. Another option is to get a B12 shot like several people I know. You can ask your doctor about this.

Leafy greens in a pitcher

A Multivitamin That Includes These 5 Vitamins

I am a vegetarian and through the years I have found it hard to get all my nutritional supplements and vitamins through food alone. This is not to say if I were a meat eater I would find it any less difficult. It can be hard to understand all that our bodies need and how to give it to them. I like to take a multivitamin to supplement the vitamins that I may be missing out on through eating alone.

Below I share with you ALIVE, the multivitamin I use that contains iron, b vitamins, vitamin c, vitamin d, and vitamin e, as well as many other awesome nutrients. I have been using it for the past 14 years and believe it to be a great product. Of course, you should always consult your doctor before taking any new supplement.

  • It supports whole-body nutrition, good for men and women
  • You only have to take one a day
  • They offer a wide variety of products catering to individual needs such as Women’s Ultra Potency, Men’s Ultra Potency, and Children’s Chewable.
  • They contain vitamin B, C, D, E, and iron which are all important to maintaining winter health
  • They contain food-based blends such as garden vegetables, orchard fruits, daily greens, digestive enzymes, and a mushroom blend
  • They give me energy which is great for my day (Take in the morning for best results)

Are Vitamins or Supplements Right for You?

While we all could stand to get more vitamins into our diet, not everyone will want to go the route of taking a pill to supplement their diet. And to be honest, there really is no magic pill. It is best to seek out the help of a professional if you have questions on this matter. Only you can truly know what is right for you.

In the End

My motivation for writing this article was to find out what vitamins are important in creating a healthier you in the wintertime. None of us are perfect and it can be difficult to give your body everything that it needs to be strong, especially as the days grow shorter and darker. Some days can be a real struggle, but there are alternatives to make it better and vitamins are just one way to add that extra boost to your life. I find that a balanced diet, multivitamins, exercise, as well as maintaining mindful practices are truly the key to having a healthier life no matter what time of the year it is!

* These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

2 thoughts on “The Best Vitamins for Winter Self-Care”

  1. Pingback: How to Season a Cast Iron Skillet Easily - Apocalyptic Sisters

  2. Pingback: Go Outside and Discover The Benefits of Nature on Health

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